You mean I’m being ridiculous?

I feel that I am really unreasonable when I ask this question.
Simply put out another hand to him and hold it up slightly. Bring your mobile phone.
The words sound just fell and it was obvious that the boy looked Zheng.
So I quickly closed my hand and turned my head. The tone was somewhat sexual. You see, you won’t give it to me. Why do you want me to say it?
Stream, you are really Ye Qingting tone with nai consider a but said nothing, let go of her hand and touch the phone from his pocket.
He looked down at his lips and took a sip, then put it in front of the girl’s eyes. Here you are.
So simply
Lingxiquan leng leng side head carefully look at his expression.
Ye Qingting’s look is naturally that his eyebrows puckered slightly, revealing a few inexplicable complexities.
There are few times when she has seen a boy show such forbearance without accidentally showing his emotions.
I don’t know before and after he went abroad
And the result is always self-injury
Now he is taller than when he was a child, but he still inadvertently reveals a trace of uneasiness.
She didn’t want to be too sensitive, but her heart suddenly jumped.
Then he shrugged his shoulders and pushed his mobile phone back. I’m joking with you, and you take it seriously.
Ye Qingting frowned and couldn’t grasp her idea for a while. It’s not that she doesn’t take a desk or a mobile phone, nor is it but I’m not kidding you. If you want to see it, just watch it.
Oh, I’m kidding. She simply picked up the phone and put it in his hand, saying against her will, That’s a person in the phone. I’m not a diviner.
Hearing her say this, the boy seemed relieved, shook his head and put his mobile phone back in his pocket. I didn’t mean it.
That’s not what I meant. You let me see it. If I let you take it back, I really took it back.
Lingxiquan felt that he was really hypocritical, thinking ambitiously and being generous in appearance.
Everyone wants to be a frank and straightforward person, never telling lies and never catering to others. Wearing a mask can rationally tell you that it will never be realistic and cruel. When you want to do this, you will gradually find yourself falling into hypocrisy, and the more you grow up, the more terrible you are. At least you can’t see the way out, so you are getting deeper and deeper, and you are very happy.
And when people are so fragile, sensitive and proud, they become more and more hypocritical, and their faces are often wide and gnashing their teeth.
Not that such people are terrible.
Shao Lingxi Spring feels a little sad.
I will never lose my image and hide a proud and fragile heart. I have lived for more than 20 years like a slow and long-flowing sea breeze, but I am lonely to death.
So I can enjoy all the joys and sorrows alone.
Even if the dream that she had fantasized for nearly ten years was in front of her eyes, she finally grasped it, but for one second it seemed as if she could really stay together until the next, and she began to doubt life nervously.
So sentimental and melancholy
She suddenly felt a little tired and said to Ye Qingting, Call me when I take a nap.
Good looked at her desk and buried herself in sleep. He responded in a low voice. The sunshine fell brightly and the long curly hair formed a beautiful colorful halo. He reached out and gently rubbed it as soft as he imagined:
Chapter 249 Chaper 56
Like a heavy feather floating into a calm wave, the lake is full of water vapor, swallowed up by moisture bit by bit, and slowly sinks into the water.
As if the body were floating in the water like this feather.
I opened my eyes vaguely, as if I were in the depths of the rushing water. Everything was so vague and heavy, and there was a shimmering light around me. In the dim light, I seemed to see a figure far away.
Look at it, but she knows who it is.
He raised her hand and kissed the back of his hand gently, but she opened her eyes hard. It was as if she were separated from the lake by a veil. She reached out to touch his finger, but suddenly found it difficult to move it. She tried to grab his hand, but his figure was scattered like foam, leaving silence, blue waves and disappearing water lines.
have/has/had disappeared
Her heart fell, and then she was flustered and sad.
The body suddenly sank.
Lingxiquan woke up with a start and suddenly looked up with one hand on his shoulder. The boy next to him was looking at himself anxiously and asked, Why don’t you look so good?
I’m so worried, my eyes are amber and beautiful, but I couldn’t see clearly in my dream just now.
She threw herself into his arms regardless and hugged him tightly around his waist.
A light, moist taste rushes into the nose.
Have such a calming effect.
She closed her eyes tightly and said, Don’t leave me
Her voice is very light, hidden in the noise after class, and her eyes are even more brazen than in class. When she sees the girl taking the 夜网论坛 initiative, her eyes are even brighter, and even students passing by the door occasionally cast their eyes with interest.
Although I don’t feel much about other people’s eyes, Ye Qingting frowned tightly when she heard the words of Lingxi Spring, and gently touched her hair. She bowed her head slightly without asking, but she leaned down to her ear and kissed her gently. Her hair was as light as the wind and contained love, and she said, I will never leave you again.
The ear is soft and beautiful, holding her strength is real and powerful, and she gradually calmed down her heartbeat and came to her senses, and then she slowly returned to her senses, remembering in hindsight what she had done and said, but she refused to raise her head from his arms.
It’s embarrassing
Lingxiquan groaned inwardly and kept an eye on her. Ye Qingting discovered for the first time that the girl gradually became red, and the color of her eyes faded a few minutes, but she hooked her lips and asked softly, Now I know I’m shy.
Who’s shy wakes up and the depression dissipates a bit boring.
You have a characteristic since you were a child. When you blush, your ears are red, he whispered humorously. Remember when we went to the skating rink in the first summer vacation? You sat next to me and changed your shoes, too, but your ears were red and cute.
Don’t say it again. Lingxi Spring suddenly looked up and glared at him mercilessly, but its lethality was almost
Ye Qingting gave a light smile but gently touched her hair. What happened just now? Did you have a nightmare?
His tone is too warm and shallow, and his smile is as beautiful as melting everything.
No, she shook her head and loosened her hand. I just slept too hard and my brain was a little dizzy.
Why don’t you go out for some air?
Good. Lingxi Spring suddenly remembered something. Don’t you have class today?
No, he said, holding her hand and pulling her out of the classroom. For a moment, the sight around him glued to them fiercely, and then he whispered quietly. He gave her a familiar look and asked, Do you have any classes?
There is still a big lesson.
She whispered and shook her head. Me too.
Around the building, students are coming and going, and their eyes are more curious and envious.
After living in the United States for many years, the courage is no longer as frequent as junior high school shyness. Apart from a little unnatural in my heart, a sense of vanity and pride arises.
She knew how outstanding Ye Qingting was from an early age.
Every time I meet a couple who pass by the street, I see their faces are happy. I have imagined many times that there is a scene where they love themselves and their boyfriends. They walk hand in hand, regardless of the difficulties and obstacles ahead or the end of the world.
Two people rambled around without talking, but the atmosphere was warm.

The hammer stone moved out a little bit, but the dead song and the policewoman were stunned.

This is a good opportunity to rob and ignore the tower crocodile and go straight to the battlefield of the dragon girl. At this time, the policewoman didn’t come and walk away, and being stunned by Leona was the best opportunity to kill.
This big move is very crucial. The policewoman, the main output force of the enemy, changed the war situation for a while.
Rob didn’t miss this opportunity to jump directly into the policewoman’s body. Three shadows appeared in the policewoman’s body, and she lost her hand and knife and rotated her body to output dead songs.
When the policewoman woke up, she decisively opened the barrier, robbed a Wshadow and hurt him. This skill knocked out half of his blood, but he also lost a lot of blood when he was in a dead song circle.
The dragon lady broke the cage wall and came out in dragon form. She crawled on the ground with her arms and bit the policewoman.
At this time, the dragon lady is a fleshy and exporting policewoman, and finally she can’t hold back. The residual blood fled to the rear and never looked back to escape from the battlefield. He is not a dead song, so he should escape.
Dragon Girl and Robber have been hurting, and now they are still robbing with halfblood hammer stones and dead songs.
At this time, the biggest threat is the dead song. He turned to face the dead song and flashed directly with the dead song. Anyway, he was already in the dead song circle and didn’t have a chance to leave, but at the same time he was crippled by the dead song himself.
Lol team battles always become chaotic, but until this moment, this team battle is really all five of them. Where are the others?
Lu Zhanlei, Fiona, is circling the tower with the crocodile faster than flashing the weak D. Lu Zhanwei is good, just giving the crocodile a weakness to slow him down.
Now that he has all three control skills, he can’t make the crocodile suffer as much damage as possible from the defensive tower.
Twentyfive seconds of weakness has arrived, and the crocodile will be able to catch up with Leona after a while.
Almost. Lu Zhan wants to
Although he and the crocodile are both halfbloody, the team battle on the other side continues, and his E skill is good enough to support the other side.
Lu Zhan finally went to war, and his E skill pointed to the hammer stone and fixed it in place.
At this time, the robbery has gone back, and he can continue to fight with the dead song, but in the dead song, she was caught off guard by the golden body.
When the golden body robbed, it lost its target.
At this time, the policewoman unexpectedly appeared again, aiming at the robbery. She wanted to kill the policewoman carefully, and it was far from the battlefield, but he didn’t expect the robbery to have another force.
This time, the robbery was very powerful. I just got better at W skills and took a step forward. Although the distance was still not enough, the policewoman Q was not good, but the hands were broken, but it was enough. The robbers flew out of the broken Mars and ran to the policewoman. At the same time, they played a bullet and hit the robber.
One or two people died at the same time.
Lu Zhanlei Ouna came to kill Song, and when she saw the dead Song, she could also hit the hammer stone.
The hammer stone couldn’t hold up, and the dragon girl didn’t have much blood. She met a crocodile later.
On both sides of the battlefield, there are 桑拿 still two people alive. Lu Zhan Leona Q killed a crocodile and fought the crocodile with the dragon girl. The crocodile skin was rough and the dragon girl was not bad. It was difficult to tell the winner at the moment.
On the other side, the dead song also came, and the Q skill and E skill were exported to the dragon girl.
The end result is that the dragon lady and the crocodile died at the same time, and Leona and the dead song are already bloody.
I can’t fight. Lu Zhan thought that he had done well enough just now. First, he stopped the crocodile and then he stopped the policewoman. Moreover, he successfully held off the crocodile so that it couldn’t bear the damage in the front row. He had already done everything he had to do.
But after all, it’s good that one less person can play like this
Passersby bureau method to choose the specific style of team warfare, threeperson defense, two for three, it is obvious that it is good to accept it.
Lu Zhanlei Ouna didn’t go to the tower to die, and she didn’t dare to chase back considering her blood volume.
The team battle has come here and can come home again, but the road is entangled, but they are unwilling to be regarded as lonely.
Vayne and the blind monk Lu fought a game. Zhang Xi Vayne fought the blind monk against the defensive tower and finally killed the blind monk, but he also left a little blood to escape.
By this time, there was only one person left in the other party, which was a good time for Vayne to tear down the tower. Although he was bloody, he could take the opportunity to tear down the other party’s crystal.
But the other one has remote skills.
Vayne was in high spirits when she demolished the tower, and a red light beam lit up her head.
The requiem is singing.
This time, the song is not dead, and no one knows where it is, and no one can interrupt it if he wants to.
Seeing this situation, Lu Zhan’s eyebrows are wrinkly. He has been creating opportunities for Vayne, and this time he can’t let Vayne die like this.
Without hesitation, he fucked Leona and went back to die.
It takes three seconds to sing the dead song. He must find the dead song in three seconds.
Chapter 276 Body auxiliary consciousness
Lu Zhan sighed when the dead song big move was opened, but he finally ignored the other party’s big move. Vayne is bound to die, and he is similar.
He’s already gone to the tower, but he hasn’t let go of the dead song. The dead song in this game is not amplified much. Lu Zhanfa judges whether he can stop this big move after opening W and adding magic defense according to the damage of the previous skill.
But help him definitely find the dead song.
Whenever you have to help, you have to sell yourself. Lu Zhanlei, Ona, has about 3 blood. When you meet a dead song, you may not be able to support it.
But he must find the location of the dead song and save Vayne so that Vayne can have a chance to tear down the crystal.
My life in exchange for living in ad, which is the ultimate realization of physical assistance.
Although I think so, it is still very difficult to do it.

Let’s invite three sweet chefs from ende to say a few words. Every brand here is the best and most delicious dessert shop carefully selected by these three sweet chefs!

Ende (Eden) sweet teacher Zongming and his two sweet teachers came.
From this moment on, it’s them who attract much attention.
Compared with the other two sweet teachers, what Zong Ming said is concise and few words.
I have never been sweet enough to recommend it. Today I broke this example because there is a store that makes me feel that I missed it. It would be a pity.
Say that finish comprehensive inscription intends to everyone’s attention to 51.
Suddenly, the lights hit them, and Anya cream couldn’t help but get nervous, and she could laugh stiffly to cover up her panic.
Calm down, there’s nothing to be nervous about. Suddenly, the rain sounded behind Anya cream’s ear, and then she was patted on the back, which made her almost scream.
Looking back at Ye Yuze, I saw that he had turned back to his original position. Anya Frost suddenly understood what Ye Yuze had just done to her.
Almost all the introductions were finished, and the guests began to taste a dessert before Qing Li and A Min slowly came in from the entrance.
Many people are looking for No.51 because of the introduction of Zongming.
It’s not Jingcheng that can be invited by ende, but a very famous dessert shop from many countries. Which sweet shop can be introduced by ende’s sweet chef in public!
Zhou Xing, like others, was attracted by the comprehensive inscription and took Zhou Xin and Zhou Yuexuan to those sweet exhibitions.
If appreciating painting is an art, it is even more exquisite to look at the desserts displayed one by one.
Xu Jing is very clever. She found Weaving Bud.
There is no wheat and no stereo, which attracts everyone’s attention by singing and weaving the crisp and sweet lines of buds.
Many distinguished guests walked towards Xu Jing’s position because of weaving buds.
It’s weaving buds! Zhou Yuexuan’s whole expression lit up, pointing to the direction of weaving buds.
Many people think that the way to attract songs is very special. Anya Shuang didn’t stop when she watched those people walk in that direction and passed them.
A Min and Li Qingshi saw this picture.
What should I do, Miss Li? Everyone has gone there. Anya Shuang couldn’t help but worry when she saw Qing Li coming.
Just now, everyone’s attention was all over there.
Qing Li smiled at Anya Cream with gloves and didn’t mean anything.
A Min elbowed Anya cream in the past. What’s there to worry about? People just think the song is good. Are you rich tycoons so easy to handle?
Where is this place? All the people invited are social people. Foreign celebrities take their time. They have their time.
Anya cream is a sigh of relief after hearing what they said.
The honored guest went to Xu Jing’s place, picked up the sweetness, took a sip, shook his head and left with a chuckle.
How can these people get into their eyes when their tongues are already holding ordinary desserts?
Zhuangli brand’ Sunny Day’ The boss of Zhuangli disdains to look at them.
Because from the beginning to now, there have been five guests who have come to taste their desserts, and there are no’ sunny days’ at present!
Qing Li is not in a hurry without guests.
Then finally a distinguished guest came in front of them.
A Min, they looked up and spa会所 found that it was a foreigner.
At that time, both of them were stumped, and neither of them could speak English.
Night Rain Ze came to the distinguished guest to communicate in English.
A Min and Ya Shuang were surprised to see that he had known each other for so long before they found that Ye Yuze spoke English so well.
They didn’t know what Ye Yuze said to the foreigner. It wasn’t long before the foreigner smiled happily, and then Ye Yuze handed the dessert to the foreigner.
When foreigners saw the sweetness, their blue eyes widened a little, and then they didn’t know what to say to Ye Yuze. After taking a bite, they quickly gave out a great surprise and gave a thumbsup to Ye Yuze. verygood! verygood!”
Foreigners are quite surprised. Obviously, I didn’t expect to taste such a delicious dessert! Looking up, the word 51 came into view, and the foreigner nodded.
Then he tasted two desserts, and the foreigner also tasted them separately! I’m a little excited about the increasing frequency of their thumbsup
It’s very open and two foreigners are coming.
As soon as the former foreigners saw them, they chattered away with them as if they knew someone.
The two men came over to taste one of the desserts when they heard the strong recommendation from their friends.
The reaction of the two people is no different from that of the former foreigners, and the taste is different from that of dessert! Very special and delicious! The weight is not big enough to eat in your mouth!
After they ate several pieces and talked to Ye Yuze, Ye Yuze pointed his hand at Qing Li, and the three people’s eyes lit up!
After communicating with Qing Li in the past, Qing Li said that he was not very white and could not understand English, but he felt sorry that he could communicate with Ye Yuze in English.
What Qing Li doesn’t understand English is that he doesn’t want to communicate with those foreigners.
One day, there will be two and two, and there will be more. Anyone who has eaten the’ sunny day’ dessert is either smiling or praising A Min. They are getting busy and busy picking up desserts for those distinguished guests.
Qing Li looks good. Take off your gloves and wash your hands.
Zhou Tianyang came over and said a sentence in Zhou Xing’s ear. Zhou Xing’s eyes looked towards the 51st position.
Slightly adjusted the dress. Zhou Jia and his sister have some doubts. Zhou Xing slowly walked from No.32, No.33 and No.34 and got closer and closer.
赶紧偷偷章节~( ̄▽ ̄~)(~ ̄▽ ̄)~

Tut tut don’t look at slaves like this. Slaves are not ugly but standard beauties. Don’t worry. When Ouyang Sanshao becomes a slave, Xianggong will know that I am like Gnome maleand I can know my identity. Guan Ya slowly moved closer to the big bed in black fog.

After watching Ouyang Bai, who has no ability to resist, her mood is bright and complacent, and her tone of voice has changed, and her ingrained nature has emerged for thousands of years.
Ouyang Baicheng was angry, but he didn’t pay attention to the change of official elegance. At the moment, he tried to keep his head calm and spin rapidly, thinking about the way out, but there was no way to think of a hair! Don’t say it’s dharma!
The black fog wrapped in the official elegance has come to the bed and then the bed sinksthat strange black fog body is close at hand!
Hey, hey, hey, hey, xianggong I’m hereGuan Ya’s glistening hand touched Ouyang Bai’s face with a hint of black gas!
It has always been Tianjiao Ouyang Bai who first realized the taste of helping despair at this moment!
Seeing that finger dyed with red nail polish is about to touch Ouyang Bai’s face!
Ouyang Bai is also desperate to lose heart and ready to lose his virginity and humiliation! I’ve been innocent for nearly 30 years. Think of it as a dog bite! Peach blossom eyes are as dim as death, and a face that is clearer than a goose egg floats in front of my eyes and smiles
Thank you Jia Jia for a monthly ticket today (~ o ~) ~ ZZ
26. Get away from the professor’s suspicion in a crisis
26. Get away from the professor’s suspicion in a crisis
Major Shen! Ye Zhan yi ling
Yes! It is also a police dress, Shen Weima responded.
He started the car with one hand and called out from the shadow of Ouyang Xiaolou, which was hundreds of meters apart!
The car turned out to be a patrol police car, with red lights and dim street lights flashing towards Ouyang’s house!
Look at that hand stained with red nail polish. It’s still a centimeter away from touching his face. Ouyang Bai’s stomach can no longer control a strong nausea and gastric juice surging into his esophagus! Thin lips, one mouthful, dirty, about to erupt
The corner of Guan Ya’s eye, which is painted with dark red eye shadow, is already slightly cocked up and proud, with a kind of abnormal joy.
It feels like a hunter who dominates thousands of small animals in the forest, looking at his prey and dying in front of his own eyes. The feeling of survival is one wordcool!
These two people, one is eating on his own plate, and the other is frustrated, angry and desperate enough to accept it.
But for a moment, no one thought that things would develop in a strange direction.
Ouyang Bai was about to open his mouth and vomit when suddenly he felt a burst of hot skin, and then a dazzling golden light burst out of his whole body!
ah! A piercing scream sounded, and with a fierce and tragic humanitarian collision, the piercing sound penetrated the whole room and rushed out of the building directly
This scene not only stunned Ouyang Bai when he was lying in bed, but also froze when he stared at the live broadcast Yan Shuo.
It turned out that Guan Ya, who was covered with black fog, was suddenly ejected by Ouyang Bai’s sudden golden light and slammed into the wall with great energy. Moreover, the black fog that protected Guan Ya’s naked body seemed to be being eroded by something and was rapidly fading, vaguely revealing glistening flesh!
At this time, the small building outside the small building is already a great movement, and all kinds of steps are running towards Ouyang Bai’s room.
Even many small buildings near Ouyang’s house have been lit up one after another.
More importantly, Ouyang Bai found that his body actually moved, but the golden light of his body passed by.
However, he was already more angry than redeyed and shot at his face and curled up naked, and he flew around with a deadly force
Section 42
Damn it! Guan Ya curled up in pain and endured the pain that the soul root was eaten away. Ouyang Bai’s feet had not yet rushed to the first five clawsthe big bed was wrapped tightly with lichen in a blink of an eye.
Then Ouyang Bai felt a flower and a foot sweep at the moment!
The unseen woman was wrapped around him and quickly jumped out of the window and disappeared.
The outside of the door was knocked open! Several people rushed in
OuYangBai room three people stand in a dark blue casual wear OuYangBai eyes gloomy at the moment than keeping a close eye on him wearing police momentum is not weak Shen Wei cold way received a neighbor alarm? ! Get here right away? ! Gnome maleI don’t believe this stupid statement Ouyang Bai, just as I don’t believe you are a policeman. Don’t be careless and lie in front of Ouyang Bai.
Tone stopped breath also became gloomy and cold say what the hell is that woman tonight and what are your special soldiers? !”
A more gnashing of teeth you should 品茶 know this happened in advance but didn’t wake me up Ouyang Bai a word but monitor my Ouyang home before? ! Is it me, Ouyang Bai, your bait? ! Catch that damn thing!
Bang! Ouyang Bai slaps his hand on the next table! Make a loud noise!
At the moment, his anger is already rising, and his heart is full of murder. When I think of the humiliation I just suffered, I find myself seemingly being benefited by others, and people are still watching his shame drama. Do you think he will not be angry? ! If not cruel? !
Shen Wei, who sees through his identity at a glance, is not surprised at all. Just now, he has seen Ouyang Bai’s skill in monitoring, and he already knows that this person’s unfathomable eyes are biting. Those words that the root is not tight before him.
Professor Ouyang, please believe that we don’t have any profit at all. What do you mean by our lastminute moves? You really have difficulties. Please forgive me. Facing the imposing manner, Ouyang Bai Shen Wei’s waist posture is straight, and a pair of heroic spirit and sharp eyes also emit an irresistible light.
Hum, what you said is really nice to be seen as a joke. Don’t talk like it’s easy! OuYangBai a cold hum was sending out a dangerous cold.
Special soldiers? ! Another example? ! He OuYangBai is not afraid, so he is brave enough to twist his arms and thighs!
Shen Wei’s two knifeshaped eyebrows have been slightly screwed up and hesitated, or explained in a supercilious way, Professor Ouyang Bai, don’t get me wrong. The police dispatched personnel will arrive soon, and they will shoulder Ouyang’s vigilance. You have a good rest and I will be excused.
Voice down Shen Wei pen straight is a turned and walked to the door.

Someone shouted at once, this is a longlost battle!

A stream of blood
In the audience, Han Xiao and others were infected.
Lin Qi suddenly said, What? This guy is going to leave and he is restless. It seems that our Z team really owes him.
Yes, Chen Jiaojiao also sighed.
Feng Si looked at Fang Lintian and thought, A year and a half ago, you could look at me with your head up, and a year and a half later, you still look at me with your head up.
Feng Si wanted to name the identity gap between the two people in one sentence, but Lin Tian looked at it directly. He repeated, Dare to fight?
Hearing these four words again, Feng Si looked a little ugly.
To be honest, Feng Si … really didn’t prepare for the battle!
Lin day strength has let Feng Si fear up!
Lin Tian easily defeated Tian Ning, and Feng Si felt that 夜网论坛 even if he went to sl Tian Ning, he might not be so relaxed. Feng Si was very afraid.
Ye Tianlan looked at the two men across the dialogue.
She is very disdainful of Lin Tian. She said to the side of A team that Feng Si will win for a while and then recognize the doer.
They immediately rubbing their hands.
Tian Ning, on the other hand, said darkly, I hope Master can find me a field. Lin Tian and I are bitter today!
Tian Ning still hates Lin Tian to the extreme!
All eyes gather …
The lights are also red and yellow, and the music is stirring … It seems that there will be a big war.
Feng Si held his teeth tightly and bit his heart tightly. The panic was real.
Feng Si is going to talk for a moment!
But at this moment, a worker suddenly ran in from outside.
Wearing a security system, he came in and shouted, Which is Lin Tian? Something’s wrong!
Before I finished, I saw a dark person coming in!
The atmosphere of the war was immediately swept away!
Lin day frowned. I didn’t expect anyone to disturb me at this time …
Feng Size was relieved at the commentary desk.
It seems … God won’t let these two guys settle their scores here.
Now someone’s out messing with it
Lin Tian frowned deeply, but when he looked up, he found that there was a leader in front of the gangsters.
That man looks familiar. Lin Tian didn’t think of who it was at the moment, but he felt familiar.
The handsome man, dressed in a black suit, came to the crowd in a moment.
At first glance, he saw Lin Tian’s face in Taiwan and immediately showed a mean expression.
I finally found you … I gave my life to the old man today! The man see Lin day immediately mouth said 1.
The person in front of Lin Tian is very familiar, but he can’t remember who it is.
When Lin Tian asked with a frown, You are a spoiler …
Who is it?
Chapter four hundred and fifteen Spoiler
Wang Aotian is very angry now and is almost angry.
Wang Aotian is naturally in that auction that the rich second generation is a standard male elder brother who has a lot of connections in Z city.
Where could such a person have been bullied?
However, the fact is that Wang Ao was bullied naively, which was his first time.
That’s naturally the day when he showed his skill in the auction and was warned by Lin Tian!
At that time, Lin Tian led him outside and gave him a good beating, and he also took nude photos of Wang Aotian …
Wang Aotian is such a disgrace for the first time. A man of his strength will naturally not let it go. He intends to take revenge.
Is that he has been unable to find Lin Tian and some people have not told him the specific information.

Chapter 127 Ten array

If Li is really a dwarf, even if he doesn’t know how to practice again, he will be able to clean up his disgust, believe it or not.
That perverted ancestor
Chu Yun believes.
Mind and courage are also part of strength.
The dwarf seems to be in no danger now, but as time goes by, the situation will get worse and worse for him.
It’s normal for Taoist Kui to look down on him.
Chu Yun has a new view on the dwarf, who is brilliant and tough, but his mind is less influenced by the people around him.
A person who has lived since childhood in the eyes of others has been looked down upon by others for how much he has achieved. People who come out and want to win a sigh of relief for themselves must also be condensed in their hearts.
It’s strange that these negative emotions have affected his mind for so many years.
Take a deep breath, Chu Yun, and look at the battle. Two people’s minds are secure, and it’s no accident that the end of the battle is set.
Chu Yun felt comfortable.
Suddenly, Taoist Kui frowned and said, Something is wrong.
Well, Chu Yun hurriedly looked at both sides of the battle and looked closely. He also found something unusual. The dwarf was too quiet.
This kind of calm is not that kind of mentality. It is good and calm, but more like complacency.
It’s as if he enjoyed the process. Now he is not fighting, but resting and enjoying some entertainment.
Chu Yun was surprised and some messy thoughts came to mind at the same time.
Is it that he is extremely tired of sharpening himself?
Chu Yun knows little about the realm of Dan Shen, but he can look to Taoist Kui to see how this treasure house of knowledge, which has lived for thousands of years, explains.
Road flyover Kui caught a glimpse of Chu Yun and said, It’s quite like this guy just started to install, but he’s too lazy to install it after all the steps are completed.
Chu Yun leng way specific how to return a responsibility also please elder elaborate.
Road flyover Kui did not brush his temper at this time, and said it again in detail while noting the fighting between the two sides.
Most of what the dwarf said is true, but he lied about his own strength.
It should be true that he got the fake Okaichi Mucheng, but it should be false that he said that the magic of the realm of Dan Shen was oneoff.
Accurately speaking, the part of mana that exceeds the realm of Dan God is too much, and he can’t completely control it. It’s a onetime thing, and the part that he can completely control is his realm.
Chu Yun suddenly he thinks this statement is very reasonable. If the fake Okaichi treats the dwarf as a person, it makes no sense to give the dwarf a onetime mana. Even if there is no mana, it will definitely give the dwarf some cultivation techniques.
If you have the skill of uniting, you have the power, and then refer to the dwarf’s understanding. His uniting speed is definitely not much slower than his own.
Dwarfs with premature senility can’t see how old they are, but thinking that the Okada family came to China to do biochemical experiments is definitely earlier than when they started practicing.
The dwarf is at 品茶 least higher than his own realm.
How much Chu Yun is higher is uncertain.
Mind turning Chu Yun heard Taoist Kui continue, Now I am extremely tired of attacking dwarfs to go to the coarse and fine, and my own realm is growing too fast to form sequelae that are being polished off a little bit.
Polishing is close to the end, even if our organization relies on his strength, it will be enough to complete the remaining steps. I said it was too late.
Chu Yun sighed in the mind also feel a little regret.
However, I am very tired of waking up and I am eager to teach the dwarf a lesson. This battle is a method to avoid. Even if I start over, things will still develop as before.
Relieved Chu Yun will be depressed.

He is distressed by English.

Section 25
Yi Yuan slowly picked up the glass on the table. Recently, he fell in love with drinking. He always drinks like a person eats, but no matter how much he drinks, he can’t get rid of the entanglement and sadness in his heart.
Some people, once they have experienced something, are unforgettable and can’t turn the page.
But he can tell himself that those disciples who have special experiences forget those unforgettable childhood memories, but he can’t forget them himself.
Master, there are you and me here at the moment. You know that I hate it the most. My relatives killed me. I have already gone to the door. I want you to tell me a definite reason, and I will forgive you. Otherwise, I will hate you as much as English. When the other disciples greeted me just now, they all said that they could choose to accept it, but he would not be alone.
He has his own opinion. If he forgives it, it is equivalent to forgiving his father for killing his mother.
The opportunity given back to Yi Yuan is that he feels that Jane is still alive, although she is unconscious, but she is still breathing and alive, so if Jane is alive, he will forgive Yi Yuan.
In fact, he never liked Jane’s separation, but he liked Mo Ying. The only thing that upset Ying was to be unhappy with him.
Promise you will go out, but this is the last thing Yi Yuan wants to talk about.
If he could say that longstanding reason, he would have said it.
I don’t know how much I’ve drunk, but I’m full of alcohol and I can’t get drunk.
Even if he really wants to get drunk, there is nothing he can do.
He can’t get drunk.
A few glasses of wine went into his stomach, but his mind was still so clear. Many years ago, the picture always haunted his mind, and he couldn’t shake it. It was more and more deeply hidden in his memory.
Master, I know you must have your reasons, but if you don’t tell me, not only people from Shazhou 夜网论坛 Island will have opinions on your trip, why can’t you say it?
Bang! Yi Yuan’s glass hit the promise, and the cup broke and splashed with wine. He made a fist and smiled gently. Oh, master hasn’t changed. Is this to be strong?
You get out of here immediately. Yi Yuan’s veins stood out on the back of his hand jumped straight, and there was cold sweat on his forehead. He couldn’t stand the promise and forced him.
No, I can’t go out today. If you don’t tell me, I will never leave your room and go to Shazhou Island, too. He promised to insist that he wanted English to get the answer.
Ha ha Yi Yuan suddenly smiled and looked up at the promise. How long do you think you can survive? An hour or two? No, I don’t know. You can last three hours at most. If there is no white powder, can you still boss me around like this? Did you talk to your master like this?
Master, if I can survive three hours, can you say it? The promise begged Ying lightly, and he would do anything, although even he was not sure whether he could really last three hours.
No, four hours is absolutely possible for Yi Yuan to refuse three hours coldly, but he believes that four hours is absolutely impossible to make a promise.
Well, then try if I can survive four hours this head office? If I can survive master, you must give an answer. Three hours is a difficult task for him, not to mention four hours, which is usually the most common one or two hours, but he still accepted the challenge.
Cheng Yi Yuan smiled. If you can really survive four hours, I will definitely tell the reason. Yi Yuan swept the promise coldly or others didn’t know it, but he knew that he had already sent someone to check what happened in Zuo Chengbiao A city. No one knows better than him.
After Britain was arrested by Zuo Anqian, he was very concerned about what happened in A city and always arranged people to follow it. Of course, he and one or two brothers knew about these little things, but no one knew.
After all, everyone in Shazhou Island is responsible for different fields.
But the huge intelligence network of Shazhou Island has always been controlled by him. It is always him who really monopolizes it.
This is one of the reasons why his disciples always dare not leave Shazhou Island to fly solo.
Sometimes it is not feasible to implement it by brute force, but also by intelligence and wisdom, so that more than half of the success can be guaranteed before implementation.
And his apprentice rarely misses.
This gives Shazhou Island a mysterious and incomparable reputation.
So in the most spacious list, one drinks and the other stays there quietly.
The promise seems to have become a statue.
Yi Yuan is always the most important person in his outlook on life.
Then there is Mo Ying.

She was so scared … She didn’t believe that Muling was naive enough to give her to his man …

However, it is true.
Fingernails torn … Bright red blood came down the wall, and she was dizzy with pain, but it hurt more than not …
What’s this? How could he treat her like this?
How could he stop his business and do such a cruel thing?
Is his heart made of iron?
Does your heart hurt?
Little beauty with old in? Didn’t your man say that you should treat me well tonight … The arms dealer’s mouth glowed with a silver smile, but she refused to meet him, which stimulated his excitement, because I didn’t expect Mulingtian to give his wife to himself … This little beauty is really sexy and coquettish to his taste … The white skin made him want to kiss more.
Chapter 42 Don’t you dare hit me
You get out of here, I don’t want to go in … Night Xihan looked at the man’s disgusting face and was afraid to shake the rope.
Little beauty still expect your man to save you? Ha, ha, ha ….. But he told me how to play with you … Arms dealer He always puffed up with a smile. Little beauty, he is so rude. Why do you still miss her? It is better to throw yourself into my arms … Let’s go to bed and talk slowly.
Fuck off, fuck off …
Ye Xihan’s crazy resistance annoyed the arms dealer. He made a determined effort and grabbed Ye Xihan’s shawl and long hair.
Suddenly, a slap in the face and a slap in the face?
Ah-Night Xihan screamed, his brain was dizzy and his cheeks burned badly.
Bang-the door was locked, and her heart trembled with this powerful sound.
She’s doomed tonight
Three years ago, she paid money here to sell her body to a mysterious man.
Three years later, she was really forced to dedicate herself to a 50-year-old man here because of his business.
No, you let me go and let me out … She struggled, and even if she died, she wouldn’t let this man touch her.
Another slap in the face slapped her in the face.
Clothes have long been he pulled pull messy …
Seeing that he was going to crush her, Xi Han didn’t know where he came from and kicked him in the stomach.
Ow-A cry of killing pigs resounded through the room, and the arms dealer, He Zong, covered the injury/body anger and punched out the body to hit the wall.
Bitch, do you want to die?
Night Xihan throat a stream of blood can’t help but gush out. She can’t take care to wipe it, fight back the pain, get up from the ground and quickly find the door position. The arms dealer is quick to stop the night Xihan, and he is arrogant to raise his hand and tear her body.
Fuck off, whoops-Night Xihan clenched his fist and beat the arms dealer like crazy. Tears ran across her cheeks, but her strength was too small to resist him. She hated this disgusting man’s touch, which was worse than stabbing a few sharp knives into her heart.
Her body gift has been torn to pieces, leaving the white skin of her close-fitting clothes exposed to the air. The arms dealer He Zong’s greedy eyes scanned the body of Ye 按摩 Xihan.
Ha ha ha? Little beauty … I’m coming to love you? The arms dealer’s disgusting smile echoed in the ear of Ye Xihan, and she recoiled in horror.
Is she really going to be spoiled by this disgusting man tonight?
Looking at his face, smiling, her heart crying.
Mu Lingtian’s cruelty made her despair.
In the air, the belt rang, and the arms dealer took off his clothes and approached the night city culvert step by step.
Beauty, are we sure to have a good night tonight?
No … don’t … That disgusting body makes her vomit. Who will help her? Whoops-
The arms dealer lived on her body.
A deep despair swept through … She closed her eyes in pain.
She has no strength to struggle, lying there motionless like a dead body …
Damn little bitch, you can’t kick the old one … The arms dealer thundered and gave Ye Xihan a few slaps. He shouldn’t be in pain, but now it’s been so long and he hasn’t responded yet.
Bang-the door was kicked open from the outside. Night Xihan looked at her body for a moment, and her heart trembled. She lit a record in her heart and hoped that his arrival would make her cry for a moment.
She didn’t think it would be James who came to save herself …
Bastard, what are you doing? James roared that pulling the arms dealer’s hair was a hard blow.
Ah … you dare to hit me? Do you know who I am? The arms dealer howled and denounced.
He wiped his mouth and looked at the blood. He became angry from embarrassment and no one dared to lay a finger on him.
You’re tired of living …
James has long been red-eyed with anger, and he is forbidden to love women. Then he smashed his fists like an angry lion. Although he is a painter, his skills are not weak, and his fists are hard and hard, and he is physically strong. Arms dealers were beaten and fled, and the anger just disappeared.
The arms dealer was beaten by James for a full hour, and his fist fell hard on the arms dealer. If he hadn’t come, would his beloved woman have been given by this dirty man … He couldn’t imagine what the consequences would be?
Thinking of this, he was even more angry and knocked him down with a fierce fist …
He withdrew his fist, worried, went to the bed and looked at her with tears in his eyes. His heart tightened and a little pain spread rapidly-
Take off your suit quickly, cover her body and wrap her whole body.
Thank you. She sobbed out her eyes, but the hole had no direction
It’s okay for Xihan to have me. He hugged her and held her in his arms, stroking her pale and fragile face with slender fingers … gently soothing her emotions.

There is a kind of pigtail that is caught.

Her hands are on her knees, and now her fingers are curled up.
Yu Tingchuan continued, First of all, it’s not reliable for you to find someone. You might as well coax the oldest person in the family to be your patron. If you really want the industry, you might as well come with me. I also have some in my hand, although it’s better than not bringing out a company that wants you not to gamble or take drugs, which is enough for your life.
Song Qingcheng retorted that I don’t want your industry to make things clear
Seeing that she was in a hurry to draw a line, Yu Tingchuan rarely had the patience to follow her words and ask, What is it?
Many Song Qingcheng looked up at him. Maybe you already know that those so-called coincidences are not true coincidences, including the first time I went home with Yujing. I just thought about meeting you there.
Yu Tingchuan also recalled meeting her for the first time. She was so quiet and beautiful behind Yu Jing. She remembered the scene and asked, What if I don’t?
If I want to have a good time with Yujing, I will meet one day.
Song Qingcheng’s early preparation is really hard to explain. At that time, my aunt wanted to marry me to a boss who was willing to finance Lushi. You met that Liu Deshun. I didn’t want to ask Shen Che what unmarried bosses were in Nancheng business circle, and I knew about them myself and soon screened out several candidates.
I don’t choose those rich second generations because I know that many rich second generations in the twenties are still led by their parents, so it is better to find someone who can make their own decisions.
There was her voice in the whole living room. I bought more than a dozen financial magazines and divination magazines at that time. At first, I was going to choose Uncle Gu Hengyang. I had the idea of making the family chicken fly and the dog jump. Later, I turned to Weibo 夜网论坛 and satirized an actress who was upside down in front of him. I thought he must also know that Gu Hengyang and I would look down from the bottom of my heart. I wanted to change my words and even if I didn’t succeed in the end, I wouldn’t publicize my work.
Later, at the imperial court, I got a lamb chop for your dog to bite me.
Section 119
Song Qingcheng continued, The manager of the seventh floor of the club came to me to cry and make things big. You will definitely come out or let the manager take me into the box. Later, I heard that you played cards with Gu Zhengshen. I know who Gu Zhengshen was afraid that he would know me and embarrass me on the spot. The manager took me to the clinic. I really expected that even if you didn’t come, you would definitely come over. Sure enough, Xu Dong came later.
I waited for Shen Che class to deliberately choose KFC across the street to sit by the window, just in time to see the imperial court gate, whether it is an open-air parking lot or an underground parking garage, and I can see clearly that Shen Che sent a text message to tell my class that I had figured out when you would pick up the car after playing the archway before going out from KFC.
And that time when you sent Yujing to school and I hitchhiked to the store, I deliberately let someone knock it off, because I saw you pick it up at your door, and I put my hand to touch your finger position to pretend to hold your hand carelessly, and then I thought it was too deliberate to change my mind temporarily.
It’s not a secret that my uncle asked me to attend the birthday party of the family elders. It’s not a secret that Gu Yu and his family get along with Nancheng. I know you will definitely come across Yuanquan Villa the next day. I’m very nervous, especially Gu Zhengshen, and I’m next to you.
Yujing asked me to go to Yu’s house for the weekend to refuse, but I still didn’t give up thinking about it, but I agreed to meet you again.
Follow Liu Deshun to the golf course because his car told me that I was going to talk about business with Hengyuan’s boss. I think you are not bad, and I am Yujing’s classmate. If anything happens, you will help me out.
including going to the imperial court class, I know that you often go there for entertainment.
Song Qingcheng confessed in great detail, And condoms that night, I know that the small supermarket in the building bought inferior condoms. Not long ago, someone went to make a real apartment building, and there was a condom vending machine on the other side. Those days were my ovulation period, but I lied to you that I wanted to take the opportunity to have a baby.
At this time, the cigarette in Yutingchuan’s hand also burned to the bottom.
He put the yellow filter into the ashtray and asked slowly, Are you finished?
… no Song Qingcheng paused and whispered, When I said I liked you, I was just making excuses. I just didn’t want to marry an old and ugly Liu Deshun. I just approached you everywhere to seduce you. I don’t want to lie to you anymore.
No matter what others say, I can feel that you are really good to me, even if it is because of the child. I went to the hospital to see my grandmother the day you promised to marry me. I was afraid that my grandmother would not let you come to the hospital. On the one hand, I want more from you, and on the other hand, I dare not admit this engagement in front of people. I think it is a moment to hide it, and I can’t let my grandmother know until the end of this period.
Song Qingcheng picked up his lip angle and spoke slowly. Maybe even God can’t look at the past and let me have no children to reflect on. I was up to no good from the beginning. Everyone around you can see that even if I try my best, I will still be punished.
But compared with before, I don’t regret what I did, and I know that I am selfish and sorry. Her eyes are slightly red, but she still chose to finish. I’m sorry that I wanted to tell you when I tried on my wedding dress in the afternoon that I could have given birth to my child myself, even if I still owe you so much.
Yutingchuan stretched out his hand and touched the girl’s cheek palm, which was slightly hot and wet.
It was the first time I saw her cry.
I’m in my thirties, and it’s the first time I’ve taken the initiative to comfort people
Yu Tingchuan sighed in his heart, squatting on his leg and forcibly pulling it up. At the same time, he got up and held her face to wipe her tears and said, Don’t cry.
Song city did not dare to go to see him. He heard that he was too gentle and surprised, and his nose followed an acid.
The guilt in my heart is getting deeper and deeper
Yu Tingchuan said, According to you, I should be the one who should cry.
A man’s shirt is stained with several tears. Yu Tingchuan’s Adam’s apple is slightly moved. Some nai How old am I? Do you want me to coax you like a young man of 24?
The whole song dynasty choked back and whispered, No, you’re no longer so good to me.
Say that finish want to push him away.
YuTingChuan see through her intention to hold her wrist.
Song Qingcheng struggled Yu Tingchuan but pulled people into her arms and whispered in her ear, I told you nothing just now, didn’t I?
At this time, the coffee table phone rang.
The vibration is repeated.
Stalemate Song Qingcheng first You go to answer the words
Yutingchuan also looked at her and turned a deaf ear to the buzzing mobile phone.
Soon someone knocked on the villa door.
Lao Zhao shouted, General Yu? Is manager Yu asleep?
Yutingchuan can slowly let go of Song Qingcheng’s hand and walk over to open the door.
Lao Zhao was relieved to see Yu Tingchuan appear at the door with a face of anxiety, and quickly said that the bad news My old house called and said that the master seems to be dying, so I came to see if no one answered your phone.
Yutingchuan listened to the word and went back to the house to get the mobile phone coat.
Song Qingcheng is no longer living room.
Yu Tingchuan picked up the phone and called back to my old house. At the same time, he went upstairs.
In the master bedroom, Song Qingcheng was sitting on the bed and heard the footsteps getting closer and closer. She looked up and Yu Tingchuan also spoke and finished the call. He looked at the sudden upset Song Qingcheng and felt that it was not a good thing, especially the businessmen believed in their intuition, but Grandpa had an accident and had to go over.
Master is not good. I have to go to the hospital now.
Song city smell speech reveals a little heart.
Yu Tingchuan said, I’ll call you when you have a rest at home first, and then let Lao Zhao take you there.
Words fall phone rings again.
He didn’t immediately pick up and look at the whole Song Dynasty. What can I do when I come back? Don’t run out when it’s raining outside.
Say that finish this sentence YuTingChuan turned and went upstairs.
This is the biggest abuse point of Wen, and it is also a turning point in feelings.
☆, Chapter 157 Draw a Line with Lujia
The whole song dynasty watched him leave the door with his mobile phone and wallet in his hand. It was when she changed clothes in the afternoon that she put aside the bedside table.
She is going to call Shen Che in front of Yutingchuan Building.
The phrase’ don’t run out’ seemed to block the thorns in front of her and suddenly she couldn’t take a step.
Soon outside the villa, the car sounded its horn and left.
It wasn’t long before Aunt Gong came.
Let Lao Zhao call me before you leave, said Aunt Gong, smiling and tidying up the master bedroom. It’s raining hard outside. Mr. Gong should be worried that Miss Song can’t adapt to such a big house alone.
The rain trickled down the floor-to-ceiling windows.

hey! Do you want to die?

In the end, the outcome of winning or losing this game has been nailed, which is more than an egg!
Yes, big old men dare to do it and dare to accept their fate when they lose. How can they be so unhappy!
The friends in the liberal arts class were afraid that if Mo Tianyuan failed, everyone would end up unhappy again. At this time, they all made sarcastic remarks to Wang Yan.
Listening to Wang Yan’s ear with so many foul words naturally made him blush.
Toward MoTianYuan chafing way say dare not than! Be happy!
Looking at him as if he had a deep hatred with himself, Mo Tianyuan felt a lot of words … Why do these guys want to take me as a breakthrough after losing?
If you don’t give you a chance, you will be too sorry for your face!
Mo Tianyuan faintly said, Yes, I can’t.
Zhang Shaotian several people didn’t dissuade him, but looked at his face like a monkey and gradually stretched out Wang Yan.
Liu Xintong seemed a little worried and pulled the sleeve of Lamo Tianyuan in a low voice. Can you do it?
Some people always love themselves, so they have to know themselves a little and have a long memory.
Mo Tianyuan took the mobile phone handed over from Liu Xintong and walked to the two tables of Zhonglai Competition. After the two students in charge of video recording adjusted, he opened the cool running system.
The picture in my hand was projected on the front screen.
oh! When did this gadget become so good? Zhang Shaotian’s eyes lit up with a light.
lend me liuxintong aside embarrassed way
Uh …
Zhang Shaotian suddenly felt that he had just drunk a mouthful of water and almost spit it out.
Unlike his former little sheep, Lei Yan Lion King feels more calm, without the lightness of the little sheep, and at the same time, because the lion king is stronger, it gives people a sense of security that the little sheep can feel when running on the track.
The science class was just about to go out and the people came back again.
In the liberal arts class, I don’t know Mo Tianyuan very well. At this time, my friends will also pay attention to the front screen. I heard that his strength is not weak, but I have never seen it before. At this time, I just took this opportunity to have a good look and see what made this famous man enter the limelight.
Come here with Mo Tianyuan, especially the students in Class Four. At ordinary times, when they see him, they all practice by themselves. At this time, how can we let go of a chance to catch a glimpse?
Feel the eyes around it that are hotter than previous games. Mo Tianyuan shook his head naively.
Wang Yan’s mount is the same as the pet Mo Tianyuan, and it is also the father combination of Lei Yan Lion King and Masked Lion King, and his role is a sonic flying mount and a pet, which is definitely the best combination.
Why is this Mo Tianyuan character still a golden gun handsome? Can it be comparable to Wang Yan’s flying at the speed of sound? There are some questions in the crowd.
It’s not bad to be handsome with a golden gun. It’s also not low to get extra points from turning the stone into gold. Besides, Xiaofei has no skills except a protective cover.
Uhhuh! How can Xiaofei’s fullscale talent level be better than a fullscale 12level golden gun handsome! I have a fulllevel handsome that bonus speed can make me be elated …
As far as your level is concerned, it is also a wave heart flower. I am afraid you will hang up first?
Go roll calves! I’m not at a low level now. It’s no problem to practice forming a team by myself …
Ignoring the noise around them, Mo Tianyuan and Wang Yan are taking out their extremely spirit and sprinting forward with Shuai and Xiaofei in their hands!
One is to consolidate the victory, and the other is … turn over the salted fish!
Today’s shift
: Today is more important, the Golden Gun Handsome with Leiyan Lion King’s enlarged front screen projection really looks burly and spectacular, and the golden mixed silk is even more elegant with a conspicuous local tyrant. Leiyan Lion King’s golden hair brings out the best in each other.
Wang Yan’s strength looks better than that of Zhu Jian, who just hung up.
There were several difficulties in front of the easytobreak cover, and he even jumped over and looked at the golden cover that was often broken by a little bit every time. Everyone was pleasantly surprised and sorry.
Wang Yan has the speed of sound. Xiaofei comes with a golden protective cover. Mo Tianyuan ate a white cover at the previous track. Fortunately, after so long, the milky white light film that looks like it is lower than the next level has not dropped, which surprised some unscrupulous people who were not very optimistic about him.
Now both of them have run to more than 6 thousand meters, but they haven’t made any mistakes in such a long distance.
Most of the people in the science class know Wang Yan well. The strength of more than 10 thousand meters is not covered, and it is often difficult for others to know before he shows exercises in the class
It’s the only thing left in this creation team that looks good. Maybe … He also has the same strength as Zhang Shaotian and them?
Then in this case, Wang Yan wants to give our science class a sigh of relief, even if he will kick another iron plate …
Just as everyone was thinking about the track ahead, there appeared a threestory stepbystep road section. The second road section was densely covered with a layer of ground thorns, and the first road surface also had redundant ground thorns. It was just after the first road surface and before the fault that the foothold had no ground thorns.
However, at this time, the light splashing around the rear fault will also take away the life that has just been neglected.
There are two yellow star squares floating on the second step, which seem to be awake. People step on them from the surface, which is the safest route 2.
I don’t know if it won’t hang up here at that moment. An evil curse popped up in the hearts of all the people in the science class, and they consciously looked at Mo Tianyuan’s golden gun marshal.
A suitable position must be selected at the takeoff point before the ground stab so that the final landing point can step on the safe road accurately and wrongly.
They looked at Mo Tianyuan’s first lowest bench and started to take off and then climb over.
He didn’t step on the star box?
When they saw the golden gun handsome jump up in front of them, the route was not to step on the two star squares to see the direction, but to cross the two star squares and the middle ground!
If you hit a cube in the jumping process, you will be bound to be directly stabbed by the elastic force generated by the top star cube. If you are blocked by the fall of the step road section, it will be born to die!
You know, the space between the star square and the ground thorn is very narrow, and it is easy to accidentally touch the chosen method of crossing the middle route, which is suspected to be death!
This thorn is so long that if you can’t find something to jump, you’ll have to drop it. When the time comes, the cover will be broken …
However, at this moment, the golden gun marshal didn’t want to stab the important person to death after jumping twice. Everyone saw Mo Tianyuan’s second and third jumps and paused for a blink of an eye. When the golden gun triple jump distance was kept to the maximum, he controlled the crossing route to the minimum, so that he stuck to the ground and stabbed the square. It seems that the two stars and squares are always separated.
Immediately after the Golden Gun Handsome jumped up and landed, the Lion King just stepped on the bare ground in front of the groundstabbing fault.
Is the trough so accurate?
Everyone was surprised that andao would never take such a dangerous way.
The stairs with relatively low position on the first floor jump quickly twice in succession and fall to the star square. After stepping on it, it is convenient to jump over the rear flash monster three times in succession. This is the safest way for everyone to pass. It is unwise to stab and joke about his life in the star square like this.
But just now, this little guy didn’t die, but he looked gorgeous. Everyone had to kill the idea of laughing at him.
ha! Brother Wang lived by stepping on the stars and squares!
When everyone’s eyes lit up, they saw Wang Yan go to this location. Mo Tianyuan passed in a very different way. His first two quick jumps directly stepped on two star squares, and then he seemed to jump three times along the already calculated route in everyone’s heart to the flash monster.
On both sides of the fault, there are three strange parties but one strange party.
Just as everyone polished their eyes and prepared to see Wang Yan get out of the pit smoothly, he rode the thunderbolt lion king at the speed of sound. Xiaofei seemed to have finally put out the fire and didn’t jump in the past, but hit the last edge of Fang San’s strange monster!
The speed of sound flickered and fell to a safe zone in the rear, but the golden protective cover had been beaten by feng shui and rain at this moment.
Zhang Shaotian several people seemed to have expected this scene and shrugged their shoulders naturally. This idiot has a distance behind the two star squares, and there is still a distance to add three flash monsters. The distance is not short. It’s strange if you don’t even jump.
The liberal arts class noticed that Mo Tianyuan had just fucked people, and then remembered that he had just run through the ground and stabbed them. He went into the pit in the fault behind him and then turned over to get out of the pit. After those few flashes, one of the flash monsters in the fault seemed to be powerless.
Just now, I thought he would take some risks ahead in this way, but now Wang Yan’s protective cover is broken and they just realize that Mo Tianyuan’s practice should be the best.
Is it the accuracy of the previous section with thorns and squares that can safely pass the extremely lethal difficulty?
Think carefully about the horror!
Well, this little one is better than us!
There will be several difficulties after the kilometer. I don’t know if Wang Yan can pass this spa会所 guy in the past. If he can pass this occasion more safely, he will be a master of shame. Mo Tianyuan looked at his hands and just ran over the kilometer track.